Residential & Estate Security
Broadsword Defense offers comprehensive security programs for private residences and estates. Our estate security solution has 24-hour, 7 day-a-week coverage and response.
Our engagements typically begin with a comprehensive threat and vulnerability analysis. Based on your security needs, we can provide armed and unarmed executive protection agents, electronic security systems, access control and perimeter tours, barriers, and alarms. We also review and optimize your security policies and procedures, and provide appropriate security awareness training for your family, staff, and visitors.
Broadsword Defense Executive Protection Agents are also trained to maximize your privacy without compromising security. They are also covered by a strictly-enforced confidentiality agreement and are part of a company whose culture emphasizes discretion. In addition, our procedures ensure that agents only have access to the information that they need to protect your residence and the people in it, without unnecessary exposure. High-quality personal security need not be intrusive.